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​​Teleworking & Remote Communication​

Zoom Teleconferencing​ |免费基本计划,允许多达100人参加语音,视频或网络研讨会会议

​Microsoft Teams​ | Included with Office 365 suite and allows employees to share information quickly and remotely​​

Public Outreach & Crisis Communications

Chrissy Deal Crisis Communications​ | FEMA危机沟通认证

Miscellaneous Government Software

NeoGov​ |请求免费访问eForms, Learn, Onboard和 at no cost.


在正常情况下,NCLM为我们的会员选择了优先合作伙伴.  In these critical times, we have learned their value and capabilities, even more, to help you now.  了解更多关于他们如何独特地帮助你获得资源的信息, products, 大流行期间的知识或特别优惠.  

VC3 我们为地方政府和企业提供便利. 通过可靠、安全和强大的技术解决方案,最大限度地发挥您的潜力.   
Covid-19应对措施:鉴于Covid-19形势, we are engaged with many municipalities providing secure and cost-effective ​work-at-home solutions, cybersecurity solutions, and educational material that helps municipal management negotiate the corona related business issues they face and the required technology solutions. 更多信息请联系Dale Graver,电话:919-246-9185或                         

CLEARGOV | Affordable, Cloud-Based Solutions for Local Governments specializing in budget building and budget transparency needs.  
We have an Insights Platform that allows you to easily produce Covid-19 update pages via a template on your community’s website to keep your citizens informed on their government in action. 帮助NCLM会员在这个困难时期使用我们的软件, 我们为所有nclm新会员提供八折优惠, between now and the end of May. 欲了解更多信息,请致电(913)-244-8345或info@cleargov与Branden Burdick联系.com 

​AMERICAN LEGAL | American Legal Publishing provides a full range of services to municipalities and counties of all sizes, 包括条例的编纂及补充, CD-ROM publishing, Internet hosting and much more! With many cities and towns passing new ordinances due to the Coronavirus we would be happy to offer two service that many North Carolina cities and towns don’t currently use.  The first is called our Advance Legislative Service and the other service is our Comprehensive List of Ordinances. 了解更多信息,请联系Rich Frommeyer,电话:(800)445-5588或 

HOMESERVE |全国城市365足彩下载(NLC)服务线路保修计划, 由公用事业服务合作伙伴管理, Inc. (USP), a HomeServe company, 为房主提供负担得起的保护,包括维修或更换损坏的费用, 外部水管泄漏或堵塞, 下水管道、室内管道和排水管道. 我们已采取措施防止疾病的传播, including: reminding all team members of the need to practice good personal hygiene; wearing protective gear when visiting customers’ homes; staying home from work when they are ill, and; surveying risk before entering a home. 如果您对我们对冠状病毒的反应有任何疑问或需要提出索赔, 请拨打我们的免费紧急维修热线1-855-336-2465. 欲了解更多信息,请致电786-514-8014或Jgolden@utilitysp与Jim Golden联系.net             

MUNICIPAL BENEFITS | For years we have provided superior voluntary benefits and supplemental services to local government employees in North Carolina. 
We have confirmed from of our providers that:  1) Transamerica will accept the Covid-19 test as eligible for a Wellness benefit on their accident, cancer and critical plans and 2) OneAmerica will treat any Covid-19 disability as any other short, or long-term disability claim. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Ricky Tharrington,电话:(919)431-9822或 

​DEBT SETOFF/ FIVE STAR COMPUTING |为北卡罗来纳县、市提供债务抵销服务. 五星计算已经配备了充足的人员,随时准备代表我们的客户工作.  In these uncertain times, we can adapt to your changing needs or circumstances including issues with remote employees and debt collections. 欲了解更多信息,请联系比尔沃尔什(803)561-0056或

ENVIROSAFE |我们以评估的形式为政府机构提供危机管理服务, consulting, preparedness exercises, and more. We are engaged in assisting clients to capture and review the critical processes that are taking place, which will enable agencies to have detailed After Action Conferences as well as major updates to your existing plans. 这项服务以较低的小时费率提供,并且可以虚拟完成. We become a side-by-side partner with an agency capturing processes and assisting them with navigating the pandemic. 欲了解更多信息,请致电336-226-4896或kdull@envirosafe与Kevin Dull联系.com. 

ENTERPRISE | With hands-on management, award-winning technology, 以及企业的基础设施和专业知识, the world’s largest fleet operator, we’ll show you how far an exceptional fleet program can take your organization while saving you thousands. One of the most important things we offer our municipal clients is the ability to stretch their capital budget related to their vehicle fleet further through our unique funding mechanisms. 由于新冠肺炎疫情,人们对市政预算和收入的担忧加剧, 我们可能是一个独特的方式来扩大这些预算. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Matt Berblinger,电话:(984)200-8489或 

OMNIA | OMNIA Partners’ goal, first and foremost, is to connect public agencies with their community of supplier partners that can help with the most immediate needs for your local government. We know our local government units are working tirelessly to address their community needs but are hindered by their availability to procure the necessary products and services. OMNIA Partners has assembled resources and a task force to address the evolving needs during this time. Omnia is offering Omnia Personal Protective Equipment​ to our members. This task force is working with the executive teams of their supplier partners to assist in the deployment of their COVID-19 plans and, when possible, 优先考虑医疗保健和政府机构的履行.  欲了解更多信息,请联系Scott Whitfield(704) 315-9421或

ENVIROLINK | Envirolink has the expertise and resources that can be deployed to help clients and prospective clients successfully manage utilities. To your municipality, Envirolink可以为北卡罗来纳州的所有水和废水系统提供经过认证的操作员, 以及设备和技术人员处理任何维修, main breaks, sewer backups and overflows.  Envirolink also has technical staff that can provide your community with regulatory assistance and utility planning. 我们所有的员工都遵循疾病预防控制中心的COVID-19指导方针, including social distancing and hand washing hygiene; all NC regional service centers remain open to ensure smooth operations. 我们的客户服务电话是(252)235-4900. 欲了解更多信息,请联系李·鲍曼,电话:(252)236-5710或 

STEWART | Stewart is a design, 在罗利设有办事处的工程和规划公司, Durham, 北卡罗来纳州和哥伦比亚的夏洛特和威尔明顿市场, SC.  我们在这里通过提供拨款撰写服务来帮助NCLM成员社区, capital budgeting, and project management/grant oversight – services that will be useful to towns and cities across the State post Covid-19. During this time, we are intently focused on maintaining business continuity and upholding our commitment to excellence for all clients and projects. 欲了解更多信息,请致电(919)380-8750或cszwarckop@stewartinc与Cindy Szwarckop联系.com. 

PEACHTREE RECOVERY SERVICES | Our recovery firm is here to help you and your business maximize your recovery of property damage claims. 在这个财务稳定性和员工带宽未知的时代, we generate revenue for you at no cost to you with no effort from you or utilization of your resources.
PRS maximizes the recovery of funds through a complete review of all accidents using our software tools, 确保你的恢复迅速彻底. 允许我们释放你的时间,这样你就可以把它用在现在最需要的地方. 欲了解更多信息,请联系:Todd Rhoad(678) 230-7594或   

GRANICUS 我们是全球领先的云技术解决方案提供商,500个政府提供无缝的数字解决方案,帮助政府积极接触, inform, 让公民参与进来,以获得更好的公民体验. COVID-19对北卡罗来纳各市提出了新的要求, Granicus has created many tools and resources to help local governments fight misinformation and facilitate online public meetings. Several product suites, including eComment software, 是什么让市政当局在网上会议之前和会议期间发表公众意见, and govDelivery, a public communications software used to send nearly 700 million COVID-19 updates to residents so far,现在免费,至少到4月30日,加快采购和实施. 欲了解更多信息,请致电813-563-5967或Byron联系Byron
DEBTBOOK ​| DebtBook is cloud-based debt management software for local governments and non-profits of all sizes. 我们的使命是使债务管理容易为您的团队的所有成员. 因为新冠疫情对地方政府的影响, we are waiving our onboarding charge (our onboarding process is designed to get your finance team successfully using the product immediately) and offering 30% off the annual licensing cost or defer the payment until your next financing or 2021, whichever is earlier. 联系泰勒·特劳特,电话:(804)317-2917或泰勒.traudt@debtbook.以了解更多关于DebtBook或安排演示. 
